Welcome to the Ash Tree Blog! We are so grateful you chose to spend time with us today. The Ash Tree Center for Transformation, Connection, and Hope exists to offer holistic services through professional counseling, spiritual direction, consultation, and training. We offer Trauma-Informed, Strength-Based, and Spiritually Integrated services based on each client’s desire for healing, spiritual formation, and organizational growth and development.
In this space, our staff and various friends will share their thoughts on Spiritual Formation, Mental Health, Leadership, and a variety of topics related to the work we do. We will also inform you about upcoming trainings and workshops. Whether you are an individual or an organization, our hope is to empower you to live into the fullness of who you are at your core. We long for unity and inclusion, peace and hope, and transformed lives filled with joy.
We believe everyone is on a unique journey and it is an honor to walk alongside other sojourners as we explore where your life intersects with God. Our staff come from a variety of Christian backgrounds, and we are all trained to offer services that are spiritually sensitive to the beliefs of the individual or organization we serve. Echoing the words of Desmond Tutu in God Has a Dream, we welcome all because “in God’s family, there are no outsiders… God’s dream wants us to be brothers and sisters, wants us to be family”
For more information please reach out to one of our staff at https://ashtreecenter.com/team/. We look forward to meeting you!